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Arisia 2025 will be at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge, January 17-20, 2025.

This website is in the process of migrating from Arisia 2024 to Arisia 2025.

Volunteers Wanted

If you don't see a position you like, you can use the form on the left to let us know what skills you have and what sort of positions you might be interested in

Also, check the Org Chart — a position without a name might be open. If you fill out a volunteer form, we'll try to find a position for you.

Featured Volunteer Jobs

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    RESPONSIBILITIES: Drive 24-26'' size box trucks around the city and on highways (~30 miles).  At least 5 years driving experience preferred.

    21+, Post-con, Pre-con, Seated, Truck driving

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    Due to the time commitment and responsibilities, the IRT Lead may not have any other significant at-con responsibility at Arisia. "Significant" here means any responsibility that will limit the amount
    Managing staff Public-facing Post-con Pre-con Sensitive information handling Web skills At-con
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    We are looking for people to help keep an eye on the Dealers Room during the convention and during move-in and move-out
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    The Innkeeper team manages the sleeping rooms at the various hotels where Arisia has signed a contract. We manage all the special requests and reservation changes for attendees.

    At-con, Data entry, Public-facing, Sensitive information handling, Training provided

Help Wanted

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Program A/V Technicians

Are you the person in your family who sets up the electronics and assembles the IKEA furniture? Arisia’s Programming rooms host readings and panels of all descriptions. Tech supports this content with sound and projection systems.



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Program Nexus Manager

Arisia Programming is looking for someone to serve in a supervisory role in the Program Nexus. The Manager will work with the Programming Division Heads to oversee the smooth operation of tasks by Nexus Staff.



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Program Nexus Staff

Arisia Programming is looking to fill several at-con positions in the Program Nexus to help ensure that panels, workshops, meetups and presentations run smoothly at-con. Program Nexus Staff assist the Programming Division Heads and Track Managers with tasks performed primarily within the Program Nexus Room.



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Requirements: Quartermaster will coordinate with the Food Team prior to the con to provide food for the Con Suite.  This person will be purchasing and transporting large quantities of goods for the Food areas.



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Quiet Room Staff


  • Coordination of room setup and maintenance
  • Monitor Quiet Room space during shift
  • Answer any Quiet Room related questions.



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Registration Staff

Registration is looking for individuals to check in attendees and hand out badges. In addition to customer service skills, we are looking for people who are comfortable with data entry (training on our CM software provided), able to handle cash, checks, and credit cards, and able to respect and protect confidential personal information.



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Safety Staff

Duties include badge/ID checking, cat herding, line wrangling, escort duties, weapons checking, assisting in necessary evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency, Implementing and carrying out the Arisia Code of Conduct, promote the overall comfort and ease of all con-goers.



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Sign Shop Staff

Sign Shop staff assists the Sign Shop Area Head with coordinating, and designing official Arisia signs, as well as sign distribution, installation, and removal at the convention.




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Souvenir Book Wrangler

Publications needs a Souvenir Book Wrangler to help put together Arisia's Souvenir Book.

No prior experience with graphic design or layout required; we have a designer.



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Tabletop Room Hosts

Responsibilities: Hosts serve as shift leads for the tabletop game room. In addition to serving as a monitor when necessary, the host greets entrants to the Tabletop Room, facilitates demos and ad-hoc organized play as necessary to promote energy and fun in the game room, and circulates and engages with players and moderators to take the tenor of the room.

